Mount Ogden Communication Towers

Location: Ogden, UT

Client: Ogden City Public Works

Duration: Built over three years due to weather conditions

Contract Value: $1 million

The project included the construction and erection of three new communication towers, a support building, road access to the towers, and remote - radio controlled 3,000 gal propane storage tank.

Construction took place over three building seasons due to the high altitude and heavy snow fall. CWC demobilized each fall, winterized the building site and returned each spring to resume work. A concrete building was constructed with the use of helicopters, pumps and heavy earth moving equipment. An access road was constructed to reach the peak of Mt Ogden, elevation 10,300 feet. Three communication towers were erected on the peak with a helicopter.


Pineview Dam Seismic Upgrade


6th Avenue Pedestrian Bridge